What I Like! is a playful miscellany of verse for
young children from best-selling author and children's poet,
Gervase Phinn.
This lively collection celebrates the things closest to a
child's heart. Poems about food, family, school and animals
jostle for our attention, along with counting rhymes,
nonsense verses, finger games - and some very original
treatments of familiar nursery rhymes.
Some familiar nursery rhymes have also been given a new
"Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
But he bounced back up and laughed in glee -
He was a hard-boiled egg you see!
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
He didn't shout and he didn't scream -
For below him was a trampoline!"
This is a very useful book for any nursery and reception
class teacher to keep nearby - the rhymes will fill in a few
spare minutes, can be taught to the children for assemblies
and other presentations, and will supplement material for
many topics and projects within the National Curriculum.